Digital Illustration l Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop l Material Design

The goal of this project was to create a repeating pattern design that would work in two color schemes. After developing the design, the next step was to show examples of the design in action.
For inspiration, I turned towards music, specifically "Where the Sea Sleeps" by Day6. It is a beautiful song and I wanted to visually depict said beauty.

Sketches and Drafting
To create the pattern I first sketched out the basis of my design on paper. I followed a repeating pattern process I had previously learned. I took a square piece of paper and sketched out the majority of my design. I then cut the paper in half horizontally and tapped the blank edges together before resuming sketching. I repeated this process vertically.
Final Designs
For the final versions of the design I went for a night and a dusk/dawn version of the design. I had created the character constellations and found two situations where they would be applicable.

For mockups I took the cartoon nature of the design into consideration. With this in mind, I created a series of blanket mockups that could be for either an adult of a child.